Attention Highly Driven and Motivated Beauty and Wellness Brand Owners 📣

Stop Wasting Time on Non-Buyers: Master the Secret Formula To Curate Your Audience With Dream Customers Rushing To Buy Your Beauty Products Even If You Have A Small Audience!

In just 2 Hours, Learn & Implement Actionable Strategies to Turn Those Curious Clicks Into Cash

It's Not About the Numbers...

Let me guess, you’ve probably been told that the key to selling your beauty products like hotcakes is simply "grow a large audience and get 10K+ followers"? That you need to join follow trains, go viral, pay influencers, or worse, buy followers to succeed? These tactics are not just misleading—they are outright wrong.

Here's the Myth You've Been Sold ⤵️:


Vanity Metrics 🚫

The common advice focuses on inflating your follower count with little regard for community engagement or sales conversions. You've been pushed to chase numbers, believing that more followers equal more sales.


Misplaced Priorities 🚫

Some "experts" have even suggested shady tactics like purchasing followers. Essentially whatever is necessary to build an audience by size. These methods might boost your ego with big numbers, but they won't fill your bank account.

The Truth ⤵️:


Quality Over Quantity ✅

What if I told you that you could achieve more sales with fewer but more engaged followers? It's not about having a big audience or thousands of followers, but having the RIGHT audience, one that BUYS what you SELL


Real Results from Real Strategies ✅

I've personally grown my beauty brand to multi six-figure revenues with just 1,800 followers. My client, Terrina, sold out her premium vegan body washes and hair products three times, all with less than 100 Instagram followers, thanks to focusing on buyers who were ready to shop and strategically curating an audience of buyers, NOT just random people.

Enough Following Bad Advice. Yuck 🤢

✨It's time to change the narrative and focus on what genuinely works. This workshop is about building an audience of buyers—not just cheerleaders that don’t buy, lurkers, and/or passive followers who have no interest in what you sell. It’s VERY POSSIBLE to essentially HANDPICK your audience and fill your online platforms with dream customers who take action, no matter the size of your following…

Ready to Unlearn the Myths and Icky Strategies and Learn What Really Works?

I’m pulling back the curtain and showing you exactly how you can do this without relying on paid ads, influencers, promo shoutouts, and all the pointless follower chasing you've been told to do…

You’ll learn how to stop focusing on the numbers that don't matter and start focusing on sales, not just likes and follows. Let’s face it, likes, comments, and follows, won’t pay the bills and they for sure won’t buy your beauty products. However, understanding your Birkin-level audience... you know the ones seeking you... ready to spend... need no convincing... Those people will definitely move the needle.


Imagine How Your Business Could Change If You Could Post Your Content and People Wanted To Buy...

Imagine feeling like the work you do to post your BEST content, didn’t feel like it was in vain and instead felt amazing because you know you’re speaking directly to the “Add to Cart” kind of people… opposed to some random spammer under your post talking about how they can "create you a cartoon logo 🙄"

You will be able to...

Feel better, stronger, and more confident in the way you create content on social media knowing you won’t hear crickets when you post your best work and it's custom-made with the right people in mind

Curate and handpick an audience and build an online community of your dream customers and potential “raving fans” already actively looking for the products you sell

Turn your online presence and social profiles into a 24/7 cash generating machine without relying on paid ads or the algorithm

AKA: You will no longer have to post like crazy or wonder if the right people are seeing your efforts because your audience is custom curated with the right people who are excited and ready to buy what you sell

Never spend hours and hours a day stalking your social media with nothing to show for it anymore

So.. in case you're wondering "wtf qualifies her to teach me how to do this?"

Great question! Secretly, I would have been a little worried if you didn't wonder 🫠

My name is Fatima Barnes and I'm a Business & Marketing Strategist, Some have proclaimed me The official Beauty Brand Whisperer 💄🤑

I've made a name for myself helping beauty brand owners transform their brands to irresistible powerhouses by leveraging the power of customer attraction to the tenth power

➡️ I've been able to help over 450 businesses in over 30+ industries over the last 10+ years skyrocket their marketing, branding, e-commerce, and supply chain strategies and in that work, I've helped them to generate over 5.7 million dollars in additional revenue


➡️ I built my own premium beauty brand to over 100K+

leveraging social media in just 3 hours per day


➡️ Leveraging the power of the ultimate Jedi mind trick to luring customers in (ethically of course 😉) and making sales feel much smoother and effortless online

➡️ Unlocking the secret to create powerful marketing strategies

that eliminate competition and attract hot & ready strangers without a large audience

All this without relying on...

❌ 10K+ followers

❌ posting feverishly and stalking social media everyday

❌ expensive brand ambassadors or influencers for sales

Just perfect strangers discovering the brand, and like a no-brainer, immediately wanting to make a purchase right from my website

But you should know... it was NOT always like this for me...

There was a time when I couldn't stand online marketing 😡

And I started to wonder if it was even possible to stand out online selling beauty products in the "saturated market" all while competing with popular folks and celebrities...

Which I was NOT

I felt like because I was selling a beauty product that so many other people were selling, the chances of me making the income I desired would be very difficult...close to impossible.without a 30K marketing and advertising budget alone..

Learning to effectively sell and market my beauty products online without the exhaustion felt like trying to learn rocket science... literally 😵‍💫 And I have

multiple business degrees 😩

You see, despite my desire to truly help people and make a positive impact in the beauty industry...

I couldn't find my way out of overwhelm and the hustle techniques... and I lacked the knowledge, support, and role-modeling of how to effortless attract the right customers online consistently in a way that felt aligned with the lifestyle I wanted to live

Fast forward to today?

I was so successful in learning this game for myself in a way that works...

I now show beauty brand owners exactly how to do the same using timeless and cutting-edge strategies

What shifted?

My answer will take form in the Ready-To-Buy Beauty Workshop Experience 🤑

For the first time ever... I'm pulling back the curtain on how you can curate an audience of buyers in just an hour a of your time a day

NO MATTER how long you've been in business trying to figure this sh*t out

Inside Ready-To-Buy Beauty, I'll share a simple strategy that will show you how to fill your audience with people quick to "Add to Cart" and pull out their credit cards 🤑⤵️

Introducing Ready-To-Buy Beauty: The Workshop Experience

Unlock the Step-by-Step Formula that Empowers Beauty Brand Owners to Take Control of Their Audience and Fill It with Dream Customers Ready to Buy—All Without Relying on Paid Ads, Pointless Follow Trains, or the Dreaded ‘Algorithm.’

What You'll Get in This Workshop ✨


2-Hour Workshop with the 4-Step Secret Formula

Packed with real-world examples, blueprints, and even plug-and-play templates, this workshop is designed to implement a fail-proof strategy swiftly. You'll understand the essential steps to transform your business approach and see immediate results.


Downloadable & Printable "Action Accelerator Workbook"

This workbook is your roadmap to quick action. It is designed to help you create your custom strategy within an hour of workshop completion, ensuring you can start applying the lessons learned without delay.


Instant Lifetime Access

Gain access to all workshop materials through our online portal, which you can access 24/7. This includes any future updates to the workshop content, ensuring you remain equipped with the latest strategies to keep your business ahead.


Exclusive Content

This can't be googled and this is NOT information you can get anywhere. This content is exclusively tailored specifically for beauty brands with insights to elevate your current strategies within the beauty industry

Here's what you'll achieve in just 2 hours 🤩


Instant Impact

This workshop isn’t about ongoing hand-holding; it's about empowering you with effective strategies and comprehensive tools during a focused, two-hour session. You'll leave not just with insights but with a concrete plan of action, detailed in your exclusive "Action Accelerator Workbook," allowing you to start making changes immediately.


High Efficiency

Maximize your time investment with content that cuts straight to the chase, delivering practical strategies and detailed examples that you can implement quickly and efficiently.

So girl, how is this workshop different than other workshops? 🤔

This workshop is NO BS 🚫 and FLUFF FREE, it’s specifically created for beauty brand owners to offer a unique, clear, and actionable step by step formula. It can be implemented quickly— without guesswork.

Immediate Implementation— This workshop was designed to be straightforward and easy to follow. You can start to see results of your audience curating fast, not months or even years

Exclusive Techniques— The methods taught in “Ready To Buy Beauty” are not available anywhere else. They are a result of years of industry experience and continuous refinement

This isn’t something you could “Google” or even get on ChatGPT

This is also NOT a "webinar", this is a paid experience with real value and real strategies

The result? A much higher success rate across the board. We’ve found that these focused strategies are THE most important factor in helping beauty brand owners not just survive but thrive and dominate in their market and online spaces.

'Ready To Buy Beauty' just may be perfect FOR YOU...

This is for you if...

  • You're a Beauty Brand Owner: You’re looking to grow your audience with consumers ready to purchase, but you’re unsure how to achieve this without relying on expensive or ineffective methods like paid ads and follow trains.

  • You Create Quality Online Content: You regularly post quality content but find that it doesn’t convert into sales as effectively as your offline efforts and you recognize your audience may be the biggest problem.

  • You're Ready to Work Smarter, Not Harder: You've spent considerable time using popular but unproductive strategies to grow your audience, yet you see little to no return on your investment.

  • You Seek Strategic Confidence: You want to feel confident that your online presence is strategically crafted to attract and engage a buying audience.

  • You Aim to Build a Loyal Community: You aspire to develop an online community of loyal, raving fans and dream customers.

  • You’re Committed: You’re willing to dedicate at least an hour every day to apply the strategies you will learn, aiming for a significant transformation in how your audience interacts with your brand.

This is NOT for you if...

  • You Don’t Sell Proven Products: You aren’t currently selling beauty products that are proven to be effective, safe, and ethical.

  • You Want Instant Results Without Effort: You are not ready to put in the necessary work and expect results without significant personal effort.

  • You View Your Business as Just a Hustle: You’re only interested in quick financial gains and do not see building a sustainable, respected beauty brand as a priority.

  • You Resist Learning New Strategies: You aren’t interested in developing or enhancing your online presence to consistently attract paying customers.

  • Lack of Consistency: You aren’t dedicated to consistently engaging with and showing up for your audience, which is crucial for building trust and driving sales.

Why You Need to Act Quickly ⏰

Grab This Deal Before It's Gone! Exclusive Rates Disappear With the Clock

Incredible Value: For a limited time, join at this ultra-low price before it jumps. This is your only chance to get in at less than the cost of your favorite go-to lipstick 💄

PLUS... I got bonuses for those who are among the first 50 people to take action NOW.

Let's talk mind-blowing 🤯 bonuses

So let's talk what you're going to get access to + Bonuses ⤵️

  • "Ready To Buy Beauty Workshop" (Value: $499)- A 2 hour workshop packed with the exact secret formula. Includes real-world examples, blueprints, and plug-and-play templates for a fail-proof strategy.

  • "Action Accelerator Workbook" (Value: $99)- A downloadable and printable guide designed to help you create and execute your custom strategy in less than an hour. Perfect for immediate action.

  • "7-Day Launchpad Checklist" (Value: $97)- Kickstart your strategy implementation in just one week or less

  • "15-Minute Market Sniper" (Value: $97)- Identify and target your dream customers that are hot and ready to buy in less time than it takes to finish your morning coffee.

  • "Mind Reader Method" (Value: $97)- Gain deep insights into your customer's desires and tailor your marketing to meet their needs. "Are you reading my mind?"

  • "Online Beauty Branding Blueprint" (Value: $97)- Establish a compelling brand presence that attracts and retain buyers.

  • Instant Lifetime Access (Value-Priceless) - Gain lifetime access to the workshop materials in an online portal, available 24/7, including future updates

Special Launch Price: Just $7 (Regular Price: $97) ⤵️

We've Got Some Receipts 🧾

Minnie Shares what happened when she focused on knowing exactly who the buyers were in her audience.

Remember me telling you about Terrina above and how she SOLD out of her inventory 3xs in just her pre-orders phase with LESS THAN 100 Followers on Instagram 🤯.

How? She implemented the formula I'll be discussing inside of Ready To Buy Beauty

What are some of the other beauty bosses are saying 💄...

Your Questions Answered

How Fast Will I See Results?

This is a question many are eager to have answered. While I can't legally guarantee specific results within a fixed timeframe due to the varying levels of commitment, I can share that many of our customers start seeing noticeable improvements within just a few weeks. Our program includes strategies that have helped over 100 beauty brand owners significantly increase their audience. The best part? Some of our most dedicated participants have seen results in as little as two weeks by following our instructions closely.

How Much Time Do I Need?

A little progress each day leads to big results. If you can dedicate an hours per day, you'll be able to effectively implement the strategies taught in the workshop. In just two-three weeks, you could see a dramatic change in your audience quality. "Ready To Buy Beauty: The Workshop" is designed to save you time, streamlining your efforts so you're not wasting hours on ineffective tactics. Instead, you’ll focus on targeted actions that bring substantial returns.

Do You Have a Money-Back Guarantee?

Absolutely! I understand the hesitation that comes with investment, which is why I offer a no-questions-asked, 30-day money-back guarantee. If you find that the workshop isn’t meeting your expectations or helping expand your audience, simply email me within 30 days at [email protected] with the subject line "Girl No!-Workshop," and I will refund your purchase in full. All the risk is on me!

Will This Work for Me?

Whether you are new to the beauty industry or you've been around but haven't seen the results you want, this workshop is designed for you. "Ready To Buy Beauty: The Workshop" is crafted to meet you wherever you are on your business journey. It’s particularly effective for those who are ready to rethink their strategy and learn how to attract an audience that converts into sales.

Why Is This So Affordable?

This workshop is priced to be accessible because I want as many beauty brand owners as possible to benefit from these powerful strategies. It’s an investment in your business that promises substantial returns, and I’m excited to offer it at a price that won’t break the bank. This affordability does not compromise the quality or depth of the content provided. The price will also increase

What Will I Get?

Upon enrolling, you will receive:2-Hour Beauty Brand Masterclass with our 4-step secret formula.Action Accelerator Workbook: A downloadable guide to help you implement your strategy swiftly.Instant Lifetime Access to the workshop materials in our online portal, including any future updates.Plus, incredible bonuses like the "7-Day Launchpad Checklist" and "15-Minute Market Sniper" to fast-track your success.

How Long Will I Have Access?

How does lifetime access sound? Once you enroll, you will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it exists, across any and all devices you own. This means you can revisit the content anytime you need a refresher or when new updates are released.

Will I Be Able To Implement / Follow?

I’ve designed "Ready To Buy Beauty: The Workshop" to be as straightforward and easy to follow as possible. Even if you’re not tech-savvy, the step-by-step instructions will guide you through the entire process, ensuring you can implement each strategy successfully.

What Kind of Support Can I Expect To Get?

Our commitment to your success extends beyond just delivering the workshop. If you have any questions or need support regarding your account access, our dedicated team is just an email away at [email protected]. We pride ourselves on providing top-notch customer service to ensure you have all the help you need. However, if you're looking for additional coaching, strategy, live calls, etc. this is not included in this workshop. If you'd like to get more hands on direct help from myself and team to implememnt what you've learned, send us an email and we can discuss options.

Why does some of your testimonials say "The Ambition Academy"?

Prior to May 2023, our company name was The Ambition Academy. Since, we've changed he name of the company. Same great company offering great services and products to our students and clients.

No Risk 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I’ve helped over 100 beauty brand owners significantly increase their audience with dream customers over the last four years, and I’m confident that "Ready To Buy Beauty: The Workshop" will do the same for you.

That’s why I'm offering a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you feel that the workshop doesn’t help you to expand your audience with the customers you’ve been dreaming of, I’ll refund your investment in full.

All you need to do is email me at

[email protected]

within 30 days, using the subject line: “Girl No!-Workshop.” You don't need to provide any explanations; just send the email, and I’ll process your refund immediately.

All the risk is on me because I don't want to keep your money if you're not completely satisfied.


All Rights Reserved 2024-Present © CEO Charm School LLC (Formerly The Ambition Academy LLC)